Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Road Begins

Hello there and welcome to this Blog...thingy.
Here you will find the ongoing adventures and legend of Steve Fox and Serena Turner, as we pedal into the fiery sunset, chasing our shadows as we go. We will be attempting to write on here whenever possible in order to keep You, our lovely family and friends, up to date on our travels, so You know where we are, and what we are doing. For info on our past adventures, Serena's blog is and Steve's is Check them out if you haven't already.

The beginning of our Journey is not yet ready to start. I (steve) am currently writing from Sylvan Lake, Alberta, while Serena is living in Vancouver. This will be the first voyage which i will complete solo. Today, being april 19th, is my last day of work at the climbing gym here. It has been a good 6 months climbing, and I am very ready to hit the road. This bike is ready, the bags (which I have been hand sewing for several months now) are complete and packed, ready to be put on the bike, and i am more than ready to be Free once again. The first obstacle will be getting to Serena in Vancouver. this should take a few weeks, and I plan to arrive by no later than May 23rd.

My route there will consist of several back roads over mountain passes and a generally south-west direction, via Canmore, Fernie, Nelson, and Oosoyoos. I feel this trip alone will help me to appreciate when Serena and I are finally together and on the road. From Vancouver, we have 1 month to cycle on vancouver island before heading to the Southern tip to attend a festival, called Firemaker ( From there we have another month to get the Shambhala Festival back in Nelson. After that, we will possibly head north to Jasper to visit family and friends, and then where ever the wind is blowing, we shall go.

If you would like for us to visit you this summer, please send us an email at we will be free to go as wel please and move about the west like wandering tumbleweeds, so there is no such thing as out of the way. We look forward to seeing all you wonderful people. As we will be on bikes and away from the constant badgering of an internet connection, it may take us some time to answer emails and updates, but be patient, they will come.

A thousand blessings of Peace and Love

Steve Fox
Serena Turner

1 comment:

  1. When will you update us again? I'd like to hear how your journey is going. Serena has not called me, so at least it would be nice to read about your trip. Thanks. Tanya
